Thursday, August 14, 2008

Decision Making

Sometimes I wonder why its so hard for me to make a decision. I tend to over think things all the time. I could take weeks to make a decision, but once I make the decision, I want things to move along FAST.

I made a big life changing decision about 7 months ago. I'm down to two weeks before the event I decided on takes place, and I am second guessing my decision at least once every hour. It gets my stomach in knots and then I actually get physically sick.

I wonder, is is a lack of confidence in myself, is it not being able to predict the future, or is it back to my old bad habit, control. Yes, I'm a control freak! I admit it fully! I wonder where I ever learned this bad habit? Anyone who knows me is aware of this flaw that I somehow developed as a child.

I'm guessing decisions are hard for a lot of people to make. In two weeks you all will know what decision I ended up going with!

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